jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

 Well this is the end of this blog at least in these topics!!
Thank you!!

Hi everybody!!
today I will share with you some jokes about beauty!!

My wife has become so fat, I said to her
"You are starting to look like my ex-wife".
"But you only have ever been married to me". She replied
"Yes, I know"

"Mummy, Mummy, the kids at school say I'm a freak"
"Shut up and comb your face"

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Hollywood's Unconventional Beauties

Julianne Moore, Jessica Paré, Lea Michele and others are redefining beauty with their very own signature look.

JULIANNE MOORE: FRECKLES photo | Julianne Moore
With her fair skin, Moore's freckles are hard to miss – something the actress has come to accept with age, including using them as inspiration for her children's book series, Freckleface Strawberry. "I'd really rather not have them, but there's nothing I can do about them," she told Allure. "I think we learn as adults that there are other things that are more important."
KATE BOSWORTH: EYES photo | Kate Bosworth

Due to a hereditary condition called heterochromia, Bosworth has two different-colored eyes, one hazel and one blue. The actress normally covers up with contacts in films, but for 2006's Superman Returns, "[Director Bryan Singer] wanted to keep them the way they are," she told Australia's The Sun Herald. "So now the Lois Lane dolls have different colored eyes."

martes, 16 de julio de 2013

How Do You Interpret The IQ Test Scores?

What is a good IQ score? What is a high IQ score? What is a low IQ score? These are common questions, particularly after someone finds out their score from an IQ test. There are different types of IQ tests with each having their own scale. Hence two people have an IQ of 120 on different scales might not necessarily have the same intelligence level. However all tests and scales use 100 as the IQ of a person of average intelligence.
Since the average IQ is said to be 100, hence anything above 100 is considered as above average and below 100 as below average. IQ below 70 is taken as that of mentally challenged person. IQ above 140 is generally considered as that of a genius.
We already know that  IQ = Mental Age/Chronological Age X 100
Hence, the normal or average IQ score is 100, which means that the mental and chronological ages coincide.
It is true that modern intelligence tests now apply statistical methods to produce a score reflecting one's performance compared to the average performance of his peers. However, the normal or average IQ score will always remain 100.
Let us see why?
IQ Bell Curve When we plot a sample of the population's IQ scores on an IQ against percentage chart, it is observed that the population distribution on the IQ scale forms a symmetrical bell-shaped curve. This is known as the "IQ Scale Bell-Curve". It reveals that on an IQ scale of 60 to 100, the number of people with those IQ scores increases and maximum people touch the 100 mark. Then, as the IQ scale increases from 100, the percentage of people with those scores starts decreasing in proportion to the start of the curve. A very small percentage of the population reaches an IQ of over 140.
From this chart, it can be thus concluded that a normal IQ score is generally considered to be around the 100 mark.
IQ scores are thus calculated on a scale of 0 to 200. A person scoring zero would be literally brain dead, while a score of 200 would mean that the person is probably the smartest person alive on the earth.
Since the first IQ test was developed by Alfred Binet and Theophile Simon and their IQ was classified on Simon-Binet scale which was later revised by Lewis Terman into Stanford-Binet scale, this is the most popularly used scale till date and all other modern scales also revolves around it.
According to Stanford-Binet scale, IQ is classified as following:
  • Over 140 - Genius or almost genius
  • 120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
  • 110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
  • 90 - 109 - Average or normal intelligence
  • 80 - 89 - Dullness
  • 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency in intelligence
  • Under 70 - Feeble-mindedness

lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

What is IQ?

Simply speaking, IQ (intelligence quotient) is an assessment of your ability to think and reason. However, if you want a fuller definition, you have to try and understand the concept of IQ first with utmost patience as it is not a straightforward one. Although IQ is science, it's a fuzzy one.

All of you probably must have been labeled as dumb, bright, smart, stupid, clever etc. at different times of your life. Isn't it? This is where IQ comes into play as human beings getting influenced by such comments are invariably drawn towards knowing how intelligent they are? Like a kind of school grade, they want to know where their intelligence level stands. For a more intrinsic depiction of their intelligence, they usually turn to their IQ (Intelligence Quotient).

IQ or Intelligence Quotient is simply an attempt to measure intelligence. We use the word "attempt" because intelligence can never be measured accurately. Hence, we have to remain satisfied with 'relative intelligence'.
IQ is a "measure of relative intelligence which is determined by a single or a set of standardized test." IQ is a score derived from one of the several different standardized tests that attempts to measure intelligence. In other words, IQ can be defined as an attempt to measure a person's mental agility. It is a number that measures the people's cognitive abilities (intelligence) in relation to their age group. An Intelligence Quotient indicates a person's mental abilities relative to other persons of approximately the same age.
The IQ is a number that ranges from 0 to 200+ and is a ratio that is derived by comparing mental age to chronological age. The intelligence quotient is defined as 100 times the Mental Age (MA) divided by the Chronological Age (CA).

Hence,  IQ = Mental Age/Chronological Age X 100
So if you are 50 years old, but have the intelligence of an average 44 year old, your IQ is: 100 x 44/50 = 88. This is a low IQ.

An IQ of 100 is usually considered as normal or average for the whole population. An IQ score higher than 100 means that the person is mentally advanced for his age and has high IQ and IQ less than 100 means just the opposite. IQs can be as high as 200 in adults and 250 in children.

I hope the evidences and justifications which I have presented before you must have shattered all the IQ myths and cleared several of your misconceptions regarding IQ. However, it is quite unfortunate that a huge number of people, despite being able to see the differences between myths and realities, are still eager to promote these IQ myths for gaining their selfish ends.

Thus, IQ or Intelligence Quotient is an attempt to measure intelligence or to be precise is the measure of relative intelligence. This may mean many things to many people but generally the attribute of intelligence refers to quickness of mental comprehension (or mental agility). Intelligence should not be confused with knowledge, wisdom, memory or other attributes. The term IQ is always an attempt to measure a person's mental agility. And it is very important for people not to confuse between intelligence and relative intelligence. Intelligence can never be measured and IQ is not the measure of intelligence. IQ is simply the measure of relative intelligence derived by a single or set of standardized tests.

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Types of Beauty!!

There are all types of beauty. You have natural beauty. You have make-up beauty, and finally you have surgery beauty. 

Natural beauty is when you are beautiful in the inside when you or someone else feels that you have a good personality. Beauty really isn't what you think it is. Beauty has to do with the inside. What you are like in the inside.

Make-up beauty is someone who wears alot of make-up to make them look beautiful. They have to cover the ugliness. Like I said earlier beauty comes from the inside out.
Surgery beauty is when you get fake boobs,fake nose,fake everything. They only get that stuff because someone has that naturally and they think the surgery would be the best way to make them look like they fit in. But they don't.